付款截止日期- 2024年秋季

学生同意在注册课程时支付所有学术费用. Charges including tuition, fees, room, food plans, and other fees that may be assessed are 每次会议开始日期后第16天或之前缴交. 收费只可在本条例所容许的范围内调整 查德龙州立学院的退学政策. 杂项费用,如停车费,应在评估时支付. 

纸质账单报表 不会邮寄 对学生来说,除了 一年级新生仅秋季学期.  It is the student’s responsibility to check their account balance on their MyCSC Dashboard and make payments or payment arrangements by the published payment deadline. Students are responsible for payment whether or not they access their account information in MyCSC.


2023年7月5日生效, ,请注意以下变化: 

  • 通过MyCSC账户在线支付(2023年7月5日生效)
    • 信用卡/借记卡(MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover) 
          • 所有国内借记卡/信用卡支付需支付2美元.85%便利费
          • 所有国际借记卡/信用卡支付需支付4美元.25%的便利费
          • The minimum service fee for debit/credit card payments over $20 and less than $106 will be $3
    • 电子支票(电子支票)
          • 所有支票付款可能要扣除$0.50便利费
    • 国际收支
        • CSC now offers International students and their parents a secure and seamless way to pay for tuition and fees in your currency of choice. 不离开学生门户网站, you can quickly and conveniently make an international payment from over 160 countries, 使用超过130种货币. 欲了解更多信息,请查看 video
    • 529储蓄计划
        • 电子529大学储蓄计划付款现已可用!
        • Electronic payments from a 529 College Savings Plan can be completed online through your MyCSC
        • 办理, CSC的支付处理器, 与Ascensus Government Savings (AGS)合作, 以电子方式处理“529储蓄计划”付款.  Students and Authorized Payers will have the option to select 529 Plan as the payment method. Many 529 College Savings Plans can be used to make Student Account payments directly to CSC, 然而, 目前并非所有计划都参与其中.
          • 529储蓄计划s may be used to process payments towards qualified education expenses such as tuition and fees.
          • Electronic 529 Plan payment Benefits: Available as a one-time payment or with payment plan enrollment
          • $10处理费*
          • 实时发布到学生账户
          • 许多529计划可用于向CSC进行电子支付, 但是目前并不是所有529个供应商和/或计划都支持. 您的529供应商也可能评估电子支付的服务费.

*服务费用将按每次付款计算. 如果你设置了一个定期付款计划, the 529 service fee will 只有 be deducted the first time you make a payment from your 529 plan account. 通过MyCSC使用529账户付款方式是一项可选服务. 有关其他529付款选项,请访问您的529计划网站.

  • 在商务办公室,我们接受
    • 现金(U.S. 货币)
    • 支票(来自美国境内的银行机构).S.)
    • 汇款单(美国境内银行开具.S.)
  • 邮寄支票或汇票,请寄至:
    • 查德隆州立大学
    • 营业处
    • 主街1000号
    • Chadron, NE - 69337



款项不足或未收回的费用(退回物品或已付物品), 除交易付款计划外,请退回支票, 会收取30美元的退票费吗. 请参阅有关付款计划的退回支票费用的交易.


查德隆州立大学 accepts payments from outside sources that have formally agreed to pay tuition and fees for an eligible student. 这些组织包括但不限于退伍军人管理局, 职业康复, 国民警卫队, 等. Each student remains responsible for any remaining balance to be left on their account after the third-party payments by the payment due dates. The student must ensure that all documentation, requirements and deadlines are met.


CSC offers a payment plan designed to assist students and their families who may be unable to pay the full amount of the bill by the due date. 该计划是无息的,包括30美元的注册费. 注册自动取款是一个额外的过程. 欲了解更多信息,请查看我们的 付款计划网站

Delinquent Accounts/Consequences for Missing Payment Due Date - effective Spring 2016

如果学生在到期日之前没有全额付款, 签了一个付款计划, 其他外部资源或经济援助的证明, 2%的滞纳金, 每学期不超过100美元, 可以在账户余额上进行评估吗.

入学取消通知可能会被发送, canceling current and future registration and removing the student from on-campus housing and/or food plans. A hold will be placed on the student account blocking registration for current and future classes until the end of the term and/or account balance due is paid in full, 外加100美元的复职费. 截止日期后, 这个学生必须得到所有教授的许可, 课程主任, 和注册主任重新注册当前课程. 学生不得自行选择重新注册的课程.  Students may not be allowed to make up missed work due to disabled access or administrative withdrawal as a consequence of non-payment. If the student is not granted permission for re-enrollment the student will receive a “AD” 为 class.

Delinquent student accounts may be assigned to a collection agency and receive possible legal action. The collection agency may report the account to one or more of the national credit bureaus.


助学金将在加/退期截止日期后发放. If a student has a credit balance after all financial aid has been disbursed to the account, 他们可能有资格获得经济援助退款. 学生可以通过以下方式获得退款:

  • 直接存款
    • 鼓励学生通过将银行信息输入他们的 MyCSC学生仪表盘 在退款发到学生账户之前. 请参阅下面关于直接存款的更多信息. 
  • 论文检查
    • 在校学生可以到商务办公室领取退款支票 带照片的身份证. Paper checks produced after the refund process will take approximately 7-10 business days to arrive in the 业务办公室.
    • 如果在5个工作日内没有收到退款支票, then the check will be mailed to the address that was listed as permanent at the time the check was printed.



请参阅 更改注册及退出政策 欲知详情.


Direct deposit will expedite the receipt of refunds which will be deposited into bank accounts within 3 to 5 business days after the refund process and eliminates the possibility of lost checks through mailing or waiting in line at the 业务办公室.

要参与直接存款,请登录 MyCSC,转到“帐户”选项卡,然后单击“注册直接存款”链接. Students will receive email notifications as soon as the banking information has been entered, 编辑, 或删除.


Students will receive their 1098-T Tuition Tax Statement beginning in January of each calendar year. Click on the link below for instruction on how to grant consent to receive your 1098-T electronically.

如果您不再有权访问您的MyCSC仪表板, you will need to contact the 业务办公室 on instructions to receive your 1098-T Tax form. 

当你第一次登录时点击“我同意”, 你已经同意以电子方式接收你的1098-T表格. 



Federal guidelines prohibits CSC from giving information about student accounts to parents or anyone else unless permission is granted. Any student wishing to sign a release allowing parents to access their account information can contact the Vice President for Enrollment Management in Crites Hall or print and complete this form:



Students needing to purchase books with financial aid can do so prior to receiving a financial aid refund. 然而, students must have all financial aid awarded and have completed all necessary documents to be eligible for a book advance. The book advance will be taken out of the student’s financial aid prior to being refunded so please plan accordingly.

这本书的预付款是用来付的 Chadron州立大学MBS Direct 只有. 在其他地方购买的图书不能获得预付款. 

The deadline for book advances to be awarded is three to five weeks prior to the semester start date. If a student has not been awarded a book advance the student may contact the 业务办公室 to determine eligibility.

For additional questions about the Chadron州立大学MBS Direct bookstore (such as help with access codes), 请随意 通过下面的电话号码与他们的客户服务团队联系. 你也可以使用他们的 帮助中心 or 闲谈,聊天 还有特色. 

周一至周五,早上7点.m. - 10 p.m. CT
周六 & 周日,上午8点.m. - 5 p.m. CT
(800) 325-3252
(573) 441-9179